To Pitch or Not to Pitch: That is the Question

It’s that time of year when people “take a break” for the holiday season. But should you pitch the media this time of year? Or not pitch? I love Shakespeare. In fact, many of you might not even know it, I have a B.F.A. from DePaul University in theater. Let’s just say, those who know me well know I have a natural spark for the dramatic. With that said, you know who else likes the dramatic? Media. Why? You and I (Jane and Joe Public) tune in to whatever dramatic story they have on-air or in print. This time of year is an especially good time of year to do last-minute, short-lead holiday pitching (but forget magazines, they’re already into spring) and New Year’s or Valentine’s Day story ideas. In fact, Valentine’s Day is the most media-pitched holiday so get a head start. There are some poor souls in media who have to work through the holidays and they’re looking for assistance in finding a good (dramatic) story to tell while everyone is ‘on break.’  (You’re still watching and reading the news, though.) So, for sure keeping pitching. If you’ve got a dramatic news story to tell, there for sure is a media person who is out there willing to listen and get help from you. So, read your favorite sonnet for inspiration and get to writing. From a stage, Shakespeare fed the soul of the masses who shouted, clapped or threw oranges and tomatoes when they liked or didn’t like something. Today, we (the Joe and Jane masses) fire our likes and dislikes from our Twitter, Facebook and other social media accounts. Then and now, we’re still human and we all love a good story. Got one?

2 Responses to To Pitch or Not to Pitch: That is the Question

  1. Barry Hickey says:

    Hi Michelle – I just published my second novel – CHASING GOD’S RIVER. If you’re a kayaker – this novel is for you. Here is an excerpt:

    The Arkansas River would be extremely fast and cold today at a temperature of forty-five degrees. This had its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage was less time on the river for the contestants because of the speed of the river. The disadvantage was what the river looked like – an obstacle course of fallen debris, unseen rocks and eddies to crash around in like a demolition derby.
    Wade, Pete, Kyle, and Malachi stood on the hill south of Pine Creek looking at the first leg of the race – The Numbers. The sound of the water below was already the loudest it had been all year and the flow rate was visibly faster.
    “High energy Class 4, 5, and 6 the whole way,” Pete said with disappointment.
    “Good news is we’ll lose half the competition right here at the very start,” Kyle said.
    “Bad news is they’ll be climbing up our backs,” Pete said. “What’s your strategy, Wade?”
    Wade wore a full-length sleeveless black wet suit called a Farmer John. He stared at the river with a furrowed brow.
    “Think I’ll hang back and let the idiots knock themselves out first.”

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