PR Creamer

December 1, 2008
Mixing my own half and half in Peru for my morning coffee.

Mixing my own half and half in Peru for my morning coffee.

I like to think of my coffee as fuel for my PR campaigns. I love my daily coffee and take great pride in the ritual of making and drinking my lovely black java beans. It’s the perfect jolt of joy for the intense daily outreach a publicist needs to do to score results for clients. Today I’m in Peru due to my husband’s motorcycle accident (a taxi cab driver hit him and I had to fly to Peru) and I’m having trouble finding half and half for my coffee. Today I had to mix Crema de Leche with Leche (creamer, which is like a thick yogurt, with cream, which comes in containers unlike ours and I can’t figure out even if I’m buying the right kind). Also, as a back up, I have Leche Evaporada (evaporated milk) but whew, it’s sweet. So, today I’m mixing my own half and half, but what I love is while I’m making substitutions for my milk, there is no substitution for media phone calls during outreach. They need to hear from me, first by email and then by phone. That’s where my laptop and Skype come in handy. If you want to see more photos, don’t forget to connect with me via Facebook so you can see all the fun details. I’ll post a few photos on my blog, too, but for the whole scoop, connect with me via Facebook. My profile is Michelle Tennant.