Get Personal – I did

February 12, 2010

Do you share personal stories about yourself with others? Do! Especially the media. They cannot resist a good story. They love them even more around holidays, like Valentines Day! In this case, the mention didn’t get my companies mentioned but it does prove my ability to work with a freelancer to get top-notch coverage, so see, even if you don’t get “a plug” you get exposure. And, best of all, you spread good cheer in the world. I often say to my clients, “I’m just a goodwill megaphone for you.” And I truly believe that. What gets me so excited about being a publicist is I share positive, life-impacting stories with the media that may even uplift and inspire you. To that end, click on this link to enjoy this very personal story about me on AOL Personals. Oh – and Happy Valentine’s Day.

Want to see the card my husband used on moving day/Valentine’s Day to catch me off guard and propose to me? Here you go. I grabbed it from my souvenirs box.